News Archives

Process Mapping: A Strategic Approach for the Optimization of Work

Process Mapping:  A Strategic Approach for Optimization of Work The consulting team at focusEDU has the process mapping expertise to assist the leadership of higher education.  Can higher education improve admissions, financial aid, registrar and student financial services? When

Summer Melt — Missing a Few New Students?

Melting in the Enrollment Climate For many of us, the summer heat was scorching. For many colleges, summer melt and management was a searing annual reality once again. According to the Strategic Data Project at Harvard University, 10 to

AI Can Optimize CRM Communication with Prospective Students

AI Can Optimize Your CRM Communication with Prospective Students Personalization. Students, parents, and alumni expect highly personalized interactions. And yet, one of the challenges in student recruitment and enrollment is ensuring personalized communication with prospective students. How can we

Does Artificial Intelligence Know Registrar?

Does AI "Know" Registrar? I think we all tread cautiously around Artificial Intelligence “solutions” and recommendations at this stage of its development for higher ed applications and reports. However, I was looking at one of our focusEDU older Adobe

Higher Education Mentoring and Coaching for Leadership

Higher Education Mentoring and Coaching for Leadership Glenn Munson Higher education mentoring and coaching for leadership should be a strategic objective for professional development.  I never thought much about mentoring and coaching until I was well into

Financial Aid for 2025 – Will You Have It Correct?

Education is Important:  The Challenges of Financial Aid Financial Aid Data and Correct Modeling Financial aid for 2025 will be a challenge.  As our data collection and mining have become more sophisticated, institutions are able to develop aid models

Records Retention Program – Imperative for Higher Education

Records Retention Program – Imperative for Higher Education Retention of student academic records used to be straightforward.  Student records were typically physical documents.  There was an actual document, either paper, microfiche, or pdf.  Documents were easy to move to

Increase Enrollment by Diversifying Student Cohorts

  Increase Enrollment by Diversifying Student Cohorts Increase enrollment by diversifying student cohorts. While higher education continues to face headwinds driven by economic, demographic, and social shifts, we are beginning to see some positive trajectory in key areas, according

P.A.C.T. – The Standard for Student Service

P.A.C.T.  -  The Standard for Student Service P: Prompt and Patient service PROMPT Students expect and deserve to be waited on as quickly as possible as a standard for student service. This principle is true for both in-person office

Higher Education Consultant – Is It You?

Higher Education Consultant – Is It You? You have had a successful working career in a higher education administrative position; you have been a leader in your professional associations; you have received institutional recognition and awards for your excellent

Step 1 – Define the Engagement

Every engagement starts with a confidential discussion to understand the specific facts and circumstances of your situation. Then, we send out a written agreement which outlines the terms of service, the expected time to complete the work and the

Best Higher Education Search Firms

Choosing The Top Higher Education Search Firms 5 Important Factors to Assist You The team at focusEDU has the higher education search consultant expertise to assist the leadership of higher education.  Choosing the best higher education search consultants can

Higher Education Strategic Planning

Insights on Higher Education Strategic Planning Higher education strategic planning is a cornerstone for institutional success.  A Strategic Business Plan is a needed, useful and mandatory tool for articulating an institution’s mid to long-term goals and directions. An institution’s

Step 3 – Proposal for the Engagement

focusEDU will prepare a Proposal for the engagement that will outline objectives, a time-line, scope of services and provide a pricing quote for institutional review. Once there is mutual agreement of the terms of the engagement, the document is