Statement of Conduct and Ethics
Statement of Conduct and Ethics guides the actions of our team members and our interactions with our client institutions. To that end, focusEDU will:
- Place our client institutions and the students’ best interests before the best interests of focusEDU.
- Serve our client institutions and all their stakeholders with integrity, honesty, respect, competence, independence, objectivity, and professionalism.
- Only accept assignments that we, our staff and our colleagues have the necessary experience, competence, and expertise to perform effectively.
- Before accepting any assignment, establish a mutual understanding with client institutions about the objectives, scope of work, and work plan as well as realistic expectations about the results of the services to be rendered. If changes in the scope of work arise during the assignment, adjustments in good faith will be negotiated mutually.
- Establish fees that will be reasonable and commensurate with the services requested and to be delivered.
- Treat all client information that is not public knowledge with confidentiality, take reasonable steps to prevent any access to such information by unauthorized parties, and refrain from taking advantage of proprietary or privileged information without the client institution’s permission.
- Avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance thereof and immediately disclose to the client institution any circumstances that may influence the consultant’s judgment or objectivity.
- Offer to withdraw from a consulting assignment when it appears that objectivity or integrity may be impaired.
- Refrain from inviting an employee of an active or inactive client institution to consider alternative employment with focusEDU without prior discussion with the client institution.
- Respect the intellectual rights of professional peers and not use their copyrighted information, materials, or methodology without permission.
- Refrain from misrepresenting or denigrating professional peers.
- Represent the higher education consulting profession with integrity and professionalism in relationships with clients, colleagues, and the general public.