mentoring and coaching for higher education leadership

About Glenn Munson

Glenn Munson, Sr. Consulting Director for Registrar Services

After an acclaimed career as a national leader in the registrar profession, Glenn Munson became one of the initial Consulting Directors of focusEDU in 2014. In 2019, Glenn was promoted to Senior Consulting Director of focusEDU.

Glenn is a nationally respected leader in registrar services. Glenn spent 28 years as Registrar at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, and spent the last three years of his career at the University of Memphis.

Glenn served as a Vice President of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO) and is now an honorary lifetime member of that Association. He is a frequent presenter and workshop leader on registrar best practices, registrar staff development, and office organization strategies.

As a Sr. Consulting Director for focusEDU, Glenn has assisted numerous institutions with registrar optimization services in assessments/evaluations, national searches, interim appointments and coaching and mentoring.

Higher Education Mentoring and Coaching for Leadership

Higher Education Mentoring and Coaching for Leadership Glenn Munson Higher education mentoring and coaching for leadership should be a strategic objective for professional development.  I never thought much about mentoring and coaching until I was well into

Questions to Ask Registrar Candidates

Questions to Ask Registrar Candidates We all know the questions to ask when interviewing a candidate for a position on our campus.  We want to get to know him or her as a person and as a professional, whether